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Zuoteng Jiansi was petrified!

A bone-chilling cold rushed from the soles of his feet to the crown of his head!

He felt as though he was in an ice cellar, the air around him slowly solidifying!

"Mr. Xiao, what do you mean by that?"

It was impossible for Zuoteng Jiansi not to be afraid of Xiao Chen!

Although he was ranked twenty-third on the secret rankings, he also knew that if Xiao Chen wanted to kill him, he wouldn't last ten seconds under Xiao Chen's hands!

This was the gap!

A gap that left no room for even a thought of resistance!

Moreover, Zuoteng Jiansi could now genuinely sense Xiao Chen's killing intent!

However, Xiao Chen's expression suddenly became relaxed!

"Luckily, you just gave me something I really like, so... consider this thing as buying a life!" Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes, "Remember well, this only makes up for one life. If I'm moved to kill again, you might not even have the right to speak next time!"