0229 Thousand Hands!_1

By now, General Bing had already picked up three women at the same time. This fellow was born with supernatural strength, and even though the three women together weighed nearly 300 jin, it seemed as if they were weightless to him!

General Bing walked to the window, slowly turned his head, and said in a deep, resounding voice, "Heavenly Master, be careful yourself!"

After saying this, General Bing jumped straight out of the second-floor window!

For someone like General Bing, uttering such a phrase was already the most emotional side of him!

However, after the people left, Xiao Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief!

At the very least, the three women were safe!

Now, he could finally fight with all his might!

Xiao Chen didn't keep General Bing behind because he knew that General Bing's strength was very powerful, even stronger than his own, but his weakness was also quite evident!

It was his poor combat intelligence and slow reaction speed!