0249 The Heavenly Master does not fall, the strong do not perish!_1

Bai Chengfeng's face turned an iron blue!

His own son had just been thrown out like that, such an incident had never happened in their Bai Family!

He never imagined that Xiao Chen could be so wild to this extent!

In front of him, to beat his own son so miserably!

Completely disregarding his face!

This made the extremely astute Bai Chengfeng struggle to restrain himself!

"Mr. Xiao, by acting like this, aren't you afraid of the Bai Family's retaliation?"

Xiao Chen looked at Bai Chengfeng and sneered, "If dad was afraid, he wouldn't have come to Tiandu City in the first place!"

Bai Chengfeng's voice was deep, "Do you really think the Bai Family wouldn't dare to touch you?!"