0258 Fang Yitong's Troubles (8 more updates)_1

Xiao Chen had intended to head straight back to the hotel to rest.

On the way, he decided to call Leng Ziqing first to check in.

After all, those women were surely worried sick and probably couldn't sleep. Now that he was safe and sound, he thought it best to put their minds at ease.

Xiao Chen briefly described the recent events to Leng Ziqing. Although she was happy that he had managed to resolve the situation with ease, she was also somewhat concerned about the deceitful tricks that Xiao Chen might face in the future.

However, without a freak of the Flame Emperor's caliber to contend with, Xiao Chen felt that the rest shouldn't be too troublesome.

Firstly, he now possessed the Flame Emperor Token, which meant his progress was going to be swift!

Secondly, if Bai Chengfeng really planned any shenanigans...

Then his shadow warriors didn't live on veggies!

If it came down to a straight fight, Xiao Chen wasn't afraid at all!