0269 Are you feeling unwell? (19 more updates)_1

In Liu Tiekuai's mind, Xiao Chen was utterly impossible to communicate with!

Because he had seen him three times, and not once did he ever answer any of his questions directly!

He always just went about his own business, said what he wanted to say, and then left!

And this time, Xiao Chen did not disappoint Liu Tiekuai!

"Eh? Used the medicine, huh? How is it? I didn't lie to you, right? The effect is really good, isn't it?"

Xiao Chen smiled faintly, while Liu Tiekuai instinctively also wanted to force a smile in return, to offer a few compliments, to laud Xiao Chen as a miraculous healer of sorts!

But before he could speak, another slap came swinging over!

Liu Tiekuai fell to the ground, like a small wife being abused at home, and actually began to sob!

It was just too damn unfair!

Why the hell did he have to get slapped every time he stepped outside?

Even if he were to die, would someone at least give him a clear reason!