0292 Absolute Loyalty! (6 more)_1

Chris was stunned!

Jiang Mengqi was stunned!

Everyone was stunned!

If Chris had just been calling out to those four people, then...

Who was Xiao Chen calling out to now?

Could it be that he also had bodyguards with him?

But Jiang Mengqi was very clear that Xiao Chen had been alone when he came to find her!

That meant he hadn't brought anyone with him!

So who was he talking to now?

However, there were people present who understood what Xiao Chen meant!

And not just one!

Suddenly, a dark-skinned, burly black man pulled a dagger from his trouser leg!

What followed made everyone freeze in terror!

Even some people let out piercing screams!

Jiang Mengqi's face turned pale, and she gripped Xiao Chen's arm even tighter!

Only Xiao Chen remained calm, as if what was happening in front of him was as ordinary as a meal!

The black man suddenly grabbed Chris's hair, and then...

His dagger...

Slid across Chris's neck!

Leaving behind a deep bloody mark!