0314 Morbid (10 more updates)_1

Kunsen's actions left everyone present gasping in shock!

Having witnessed the recent events, they all knew his character was somewhat idiosyncratic, but they hadn't expected this man to turn hostile in the blink of an eye!


In front of so many people!

Keep in mind, the ones standing outside now were all Mr. Long's men!

Indeed, right after Kunsen finished speaking, several strong fellows immediately rushed in!

"Bastard! Dare to lay a hand on Mr. Long?! You looking for death?"

"You were given face! What Mr. Long tells you to do, you listen obediently! Got it?!"

The ones who barged in showered Kunsen with a barrage of curses!

However, as these men approached Kunsen, they saw the corners of his mouth suddenly tilt upward, and his gaze narrowed menacingly!

Because of the angle, only Mr. Long could see the look in his eyes!

After Kunsen revealed that expression, Mr. Long suddenly tensed up!

"Be careful!"

Mr. Long bellowed, but his warning was still too late!