0321 Ultimate Reasoning (5 updates)_1

When Xiao Chen finished this sentence, Di Qiu's originally gentle gaze suddenly froze!

Seeing his reaction, Xiao Chen's smile grew even more intense!

"It seems I guessed right!"

The corners of Xiao Chen's mouth lifted slightly!

Di Qiu slowly narrowed his eyes, and there was a slight change in the way he looked at Xiao Chen.

"Mr. Xiao says... you guessed?"

"What else could it be?"

Xiao Chen's smile did not diminish, "With Mr. Di's strength, if he intended to hide, I don't think I would have found out so easily, right?"

Di Qiu was surprised for this reason!

Indeed, he was at the scene yesterday!

Moreover, Di Qiu had never underestimated Xiao Chen; therefore, he didn't get too close yesterday and instead watched the situation from a distance!

Yet even so, he was discovered by Xiao Chen!

"How did Mr. Xiao find out? Can you tell me?"

Di Qiu regained his composure!

Xiao Chen nodded, leaned back in his chair, and looked relaxed.