0339 Each Harbors Their Own Schemes (5 updates)_1


By that time, Bai Jingchen would definitely face the ancestor!

And the ancestor would also suspect how much Bai Jingchen knew!

However, Bai Jingchen truly knew nothing, and he really didn't need to act!

Therefore, the ancestor would naturally lower his guard against Bai Jingchen!

This had always been Mrs. Bai's thought!

She understood Bai Jingchen's personality too well. If Bai Jingchen learned the truth, it would not just be about acting, he would probably be storming Tiandu City by now!

Even if he knew that his strength was no match for the ancestor!

He, Bai Jingchen, had neither father nor mother, nor a wife or children, and thus could be said to have no attachments!

Moreover, Bai Jingchen's inherent nature was to never yield, so letting Bai Jingchen know the truth was akin to sending him to his death!

This understanding was precisely why Xiao Chen resolutely burned the letter.