0341 Middle Realm within the Order (1 more update)_1

Xiao Chen raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? It was given by someone else?"

Now, that could be a problem!

Whoever sent it to her was worth looking into!

"Look how scared you are!"

Leng Ziqing's face showed a triumphant smile, "Don't overthink it, it was a woman who gave it to me!"

"That's still problematic!"

Xiao Chen sat up slightly, "What's a woman doing giving you this?"

Leng Ziqing looked at Xiao Chen, her lips curling into a smile feeling it was about time to reveal her secret, and she finally said leisurely, "It was Xia Bing who gave it to me."

Xia Bing?

Xiao Chen was startled for a moment, this answer was beyond his expectations.

Are the relationships between these women already this good?

Could his little sister-in-law even begin to help other women seduce him?

"Xia Bing didn't just give it to me! This is their company's new product, each of us kept one!"

Leng Ziqing added another sentence.