0359 Donated Everything (1 more)_1

Mr. Chen looked terribly embarrassed!

It was indeed a rather awkward illness to discuss!

However, Xiao Chen had no intention of avoiding the topic, asking in a very loud voice!

Even the people waiting in line outside heard it.

Instantly, everyone in the little shop broke into laughter.

Mo Xiaofei's face, on the other hand, turned a slight shade of red.

In fact, she was also aware of Mr. Chen's condition, which was exactly why she had refused to treat him.

Although she had learned medicine from Xiao Chen, the problem was that she was not a formally trained doctor and was not yet at a point where she could ignore the differences in male and female anatomy.

And since this illness could be treated in a hospital, that was why Mo Xiaofei had turned him down.

Conversely, Mr. Chen's persistent requests for Mo Xiaofei's help had a reason.

After all, he was a man, and inflammation in that area would naturally impact certain abilities.

And that ability was crucial for a man!