0364 Collection of Accounts (6 updates)_1

Zhang Hongfeng was stunned for a moment!

"What did you say?"

Xiao Chen looked towards Mrs. Juan's direction, "She saw through you a long time ago, only you foolishly thought you were well-hidden!"

Just now when Mrs. Juan was looking at Zhang Hongfeng, there was obviously some complexity in her eyes.

Such a look would never appear in a proprietress's eyes when she looked at a customer!

Therefore, Mrs. Juan had recognized him not just recently!

It's just that she had never explicitly said it.

Zhang Hongfeng was dumbfounded, and at the same time, he became immediately nervous.

"Mr. Xiao, what should I do?"

Zhang Hongfeng looked eagerly at Xiao Chen.

But Xiao Chen just scoffed, "I'm not your parents; why are you asking me about this kind of thing?"

Zhang Hongfeng really had no idea what to do.