0605 Qiongqi Token!_1

The auction that followed featured one exotic and unusual item after another, each a rarity seldom seen in ordinary circumstances.

Xiao Chen found these items quite interesting, but he didn't harbor a desire to obtain any of them.

In his heart, there was only one item that could captivate him!

By now, many guests who had gotten what they wanted began to show satisfied gleams in their eyes.

And just then, the very item Xiao Chen had been eagerly waiting for was finally brought forth.

"So, what we are about to present to everyone next, is something truly magical!"

Shisan gestured to the cart in front of him, still draped with a red cloth.

"Legend has it that in the distant East, there once was a group of very unusual people. Sorry, I don't have a deep understanding of Huaxia culture, but after obtaining this item, I did some research."