49, after all, is the age of youth, a tender youth.

Gu Tao took a deep breath as he entered the state of virtual targeting, proceeding with the final adjustments.

"Honestly, Satania, I'm a bit nervous. This is my first time using an annihilation weapon," Gu Tao said, looking through the virtual environment at the vast space ahead and the azure Earth behind him, "Earth is truly beautiful."

"Captain, it's like playing a video game; I'll assist you with targeting," came the reply.

"Who set it up so that I can't attack friendly units? That's really a rubbish programmer."

"That was you..."

"Alright then," Gu Tao sighed, "the Fallers have entered orbit, right?"

"Yes, they've been on standby in geostationary orbit and are ready to attack."

There was only one chance; if he couldn't annihilate that spaceship in the first instance, the monster would inevitably land on Earth due to inertia.