97. Young misses are the ones with the capital to act coquettishly (combined chapter, don't want to split chapters anymore)

"Do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to truly live?"

"Are you sick?"

Caught off guard, Wang Lei scratched his head awkwardly, "I was just trying to lighten the mood. I heard you got disciplined and suspended recently. How about you take this opportunity to join us?"

Sitting opposite Wang Lei was one of the special police force's best snipers, nicknamed "Muscled Diao Chan". Although she was in plain clothes and her appearance didn't give much away—just a pretty girl with fairly dark skin—there was a sense that if she took off her jacket, you'd find her body was all well-toned bronze muscles. Although not as extreme as a bodybuilder's, they were certainly formidable enough to make most men feel inferior.

"I don't care. I'm fed up with this place anyway," said Lio Xu, curling her lip. "A bunch of weaklings, it's boring."