173, oh, who can understand this world

"How about that? How's the song?"

"Good! Another one!"

In the Crystal Prison, Gu Tao had already had quite a bit to drink. He sat on the ground, cradling the broken guitar, playing and singing, laughing like a child. His small audience of fellow inmates in the Crystal Prison also had snacks and beer in front of them, each one of them drunk, listening to Gu Tao sing some strange songs, joining in with passion whenever the mood struck them.

"Hey, little ghost girl over there! Come over here!" Gu Tao pointed at the ghost doll, "Come on, pour the drink!"

The crystal bars that held the ghost doll slowly opened, the ghost let out a scream and darted for the door, but just when it touched the doorway, a powerful force repelled it back, and when it tried to pass through the wall, it found the walls even denser and harder than crystal barriers, completely impossible to penetrate.