262, Sapphire, Amethyst, Black Jade, Emerald, and Amber

"Wow! Your eyes! Your eyes!!!"

The little lion pointed at Tifa, whom she was meeting for the first time, and exclaimed in surprise, "Such beautiful blue! Just like gemstones!! Senior sister... I want them."

"In your dreams."

Jing Yuan pursed her lips but was also sizing up Tifa, who had been demonized by Liuzi. She wasn't as terrible as Liuzi had described, even quite a beauty in fact, completely different from Mrs. Ai's temperament. Mrs. Ai was a bit silly, while this woman looked smart enough to churn out water, with jewel-blue eyes that didn't seem possible for a human to have. And after being swept over by her gaze, Jing Yuan felt utterly naked.

"My name's pronunciation, in our homeland, is Sapphire," Tifa stood up and extended her hand to Jing Yuan: "Just like Marsha is Black Jade."

Mrs. Tifa pressed a button by her ear, and her hair instantly returned to its original color, a lake-blue that cascaded down like a waterfall, flaunting itself in Jing Yuan's face.