335, Only after tasting the utmost sorrow and sadness can one understand the true value of genuine affection.

"I'm a villain, in personality, powers, and actions,"

the man even more evil than Little Evil God said casually as he repaired the Ferris wheel and the trampled mess.

"But I really didn't do this." After restoring everything to its original state, he smiled and looked into the distance, "I promised someone I would no longer lay hands on mortals. But a guy's got to eat, you know? One of my abilities is disaster prediction. Wherever there's going to be a disaster, that's where I'll show up, just like you said, scavenging through trash."

This Evil God's appearance was different from Little Evil God's. His features were more European, what you might call classically handsome, with deep-set eyes – bright blue with a hint of purple – exuding a sort of devilish charm, and he was also a tad taller than Little Evil God.