342. Send out a postcard that represents love. _2


"Of course it's useless, I understand Xiuling more than anyone. This operation is simply meant to disrupt that man's rhythm. Just a few more days until Xuanyin dies, and someone will have to take charge. Right now, only Xiuling is up to the task; he must return to Kunlun. I believe that man won't let him go. Just one more day, and we can take over Kunlun. Then it will probably be time for revenge and settling scores, with the day soon coming when, with a sword in hand, we'll kill every last damn dog in Kunlun."

"Is that why you contrived to drive your beloved junior sister down the mountain?"

"I'm giving you a warning," the man said with a smile, "or perhaps a piece of advice. If any of your people dare to lay a finger on my junior sister, I will make sure you die a horrible death."