536, Meet the Phoenix

The last time I saw Xiaofeng was at Jing Yuan and Xiuling's wedding. At that time, Xiaofeng appeared with her aura at full blast, single-handedly suppressing the entire crowd. If it hadn't been for Mr. Zhengfeng's arrival, the situation might not have ended well.

This time I saw Xiaofeng was in a tea house. Xiaofeng was elegant and dignified, but Gu Tao always felt there was something off because she looked just like Mrs. Ai.

"Are you her subordinate?" Xiaofeng took a sip of her tea and glanced at Gu Tao before continuing to drink and read a magazine, "You do bear some resemblance to the Sect Master of the Inner Sect."

"That's for sure, someone I carefully selected!" Xiaojuan interjected jubilantly, "Isn't that great?"

"Did I ask you?"