"The Explosive Engine is ready for stage one."
Tifa pressed three buttons.
"Stage two is ready," said Gu Tao as he donned the docking stabilizer, "We can initiate."
"The Explosive Engine is igniting."
The engine mounted on the outside of the container suddenly emitted a long ion beam, and Charlix picked up the communicator, "The engine status is stable, ready for stage two ignition."
"Prepare for stage two ignition."
Gu Tao flipped the final button, then clasped his hands together, closed his eyes, and prayed briefly, "Whether or not we can rescue you all depends on this moment."
"Don't you lack faith?"
Charlix said with a smile, and along with him, audiences around the world laughed out loud because his smile was so radiant.
"I still have quite a bit of faith in the Almighty," Gu Tao opened his eyes and took a deep breath, "Execute stage two explosive charge, ignite!"