Bosses truly are bosses; with a mere wave of their hand, the vast sea transformed into a plain path, the endless sponginess became beautiful mountains and rivers, with streams babbling, insects buzzing, birds chirping, and butterflies darting through the flowers. Amidst the mountains lingered the fragrance of flowers, and there stood a cottage.
"Come in and sit."
Yun Zhongzi led Gu Tao into the cottage, where Gu Tao also removed his armor, and sat on a cushion in front of a short table. Yun Zhongzi brewed a cup of herbal tea, the fresh aroma wafting to Gu Tao's seat.
"I'll take care of Xian Liu's matter," Yun Zhongzi sipped his tea, "How do you find this place?"
Glancing out the window at the lovely scenery, Gu Tao replied, "It's really quite nice."
"Ha-ha, you are in my bar," Yun Zhongzi pointed at another door, "The basement of the bar has three doors; one of them leads here."