Hong Xin looked at the worn softcover copybook and then opened it in her hands. But when she opened the first page, she was stunned. Page by page, tears streamed out involuntarily. Inside were all the crappy songs her band had written back in the day—sentimental, filling words, lacking depth; they were bad songs and pop tracks. But those lousy things clearly meant something different to her. She quickly flipped through until the last page, where there was a photograph from the old days glued to it. The five people in the photo, with Hong Xin standing in the center, arrogantly smiling with a cigarette in her mouth, behind her the noisy crowd and pigeons soaring in the square.
It was as if time had suddenly reverted to many years ago, by the fountain in the square.
"You've... kept it all along?"
"I couldn't bring myself to throw it away." Gu Tao smiled, "I have many treasures, none more important than the others, I can't bear to part with any of them."