The oppressive atmosphere that had prevailed for thirty-three days was finally broken, and that very night the news spread throughout the vast region of Jiangnan. Consequently, the terrifying strength of the Inner Sect was fully exposed — an almost naked exposure, which gave Jing Yuan a headache.
"What's bothering you? I've noticed a misconception among you," Gu Tao said, sitting on the sofa, looking dispirited and yawning continuously. "It always has to be black or white, clear cut. But in this world, things are not always so black and white."
"You have practically shown all our cards tonight!"
Gu Tao raised an eyebrow, which made Jing Yuan suddenly think of something very interesting. Last night, even the students were involved, but the three thousand people who had always been training in the new base in Jiangzhe had not made a single move.