
Greg Dalmatian sprang to his feet, making his chair topple over. His confused stare darted from the revealed cards to Ronnie. Where was the losing set he was supposed to deal out to Tyler? How did it magically turn into the highest-ranked hand in Poker?

“What the fuck is this, Ronnie?!”

“Sir… I… I…” the dealer stammered in alarm.

The spectators watching the game intently also shuffled back from the center table. Their gossip escalated to a roaring buzz.

“Did the guy just win a jackpot?”

“Casinos? Over a hundred forty million dollars?”

“I told you Lady Luck favored him!”

However, Greg Dalmatian was on a completely different page.

“Youuuu!” he roared at Tyler, pointing an accusatory finger at him. “You’re a cheat! A fraud! There’s no way you could suddenly get a five of a kind!”

Tyler looked rather unperturbed by the accusation. “We played with your rules, your dealer, your pack of cards, and your casino. How did I cheat?”