“I… I don’t understand…” Natalie muttered, looking at Trent in shock. “How are you standing before me? I say you die…”
The young woman vividly remembered the one-sided battle outside the East Sapphire forests. The Green Monk went berserk, raining fire, flood, hail, and lightning on his enemies. In minutes, he wiped out most of the Douglas royal army.
The Cooper and Hilton outfits realized Goliath’s wrath would consume them as well, so they tried to escape the battlefield. For those two armies, it was their first encounter with the supernatural. Watching Armageddon unfold before their eyes was bizarre. The soldiers’ survival instincts kicked in, making them flee for their lives.
However, Goliath would have none of it. He considered all three armies equally offensive.
An inferno erupted around the Cooper army, burning them to sooty husks. The Hiltons were on the horizon, about half a mile away. Even though Goliath’s attacks chased them, they narrowly escaped annihilation.