Chapter 55: Emerald Bamboo Rice, Metaphysics!_1

In the middle of the dining hall, a large revolving round table was set up to seat the entire family.

Of course, the children were still young and did not sit at the table. When they grew older, or should there be more wives and concubines, there would not be enough room.

"Husband, this Emerald Bamboo Spirit Rice was cooked for three hours with Spiritual Fire by Xiaoqing. Try it and see how it tastes," said Miaoyun as she carried a small wooden barrel crafted from emerald bamboo spirit wood to serve Changsheng a bowl of rice.

As Changsheng sat down at the head of the table, Lu Miaoyun scooped a bowl of rice for him from a small jade-green bamboo barrel.

Each grain of rice in the bowl was vividly green and crystal clear, resembling beads of agate or jade, emitting a refreshing bamboo fragrance that tantalized the appetite.