Chapter 71: Meeting the Second Miss Again, Cheng Ge Takes You to Read Books and Taste Tea!_2

From here, it was quite a distance to the Lu Family's large compound in the Eastern District.

The two of them walked quite fast, and it took almost half an hour.

The Lu Family's compound covered nearly two thousand square meters.

Compared to the living quarters at Qingzhu Valley, it was naturally much smaller.

But in the Nine Dragons Market, where every inch of land was worth its weight in gold, this courtyard was already considered large.

Lu Changsheng curiously inquired about how many Spirit Stones such a large compound would cost from Lu Miaoge.

Lu Miaoge was not sure about the exact price.

She only said that such large compounds usually started with a lease term of three to five years.

As for the price, it varied from several dozen to a hundred Spirit Stones a year.

Hearing this, Lu Changsheng couldn't help but click his tongue in wonder.

Just the annual rent would cost dozens to hundreds of Spirit Stones; for buying, wouldn't it require several thousand Spirit Stones?