Chapter 73: Young Master, Are You Here for Pleasure?_3

Lu Changsheng let out a breath and went to another inn to open a room.

He used a Purification Talisman to check if he was marked for tracking.

Once he confirmed that he wasn't being followed, Lu Changsheng put on the Human Skin Mask, and with a slight shift of his mental spirit, his face turned into the likeness of Li Feiyu.

"It's really worthy of being a magic artifact, with this I don't need to change my appearance anymore."

Lu Changsheng looked at himself in the mirror, whose features shifted continuously, and he couldn't help but nod in satisfaction.

It was a pity that this mask was just a lower-grade magical instrument.

The changes in appearance, once scrutinized by a cultivator at the Energy Refinement Late Stage using the Spiritual Eye Technique, would reveal some inconsistencies.

However, it didn't matter, at that time he could just wear another Human Skin Mask.

After all, as long as his real face couldn't be recognized, it was fine.