Chapter 78: I, Lu Changsheng, a Full-Time Artisan!_2

However, Lu Changsheng did glance over and saw that the household consisted only of Gao He and his daughter, as well as two servants, which seemed enough for such a large residence.

While chatting, Lu Changsheng learned that the other party was a Middle Grade Talisman Master who sat in residence at a Spiritual Talisman Shop.

Once Gao He learned that Lu Changsheng was the owner of the Qing Zhu Lu Family's Spiritual Talisman Shop, he became noticeably more enthusiastic.

He expressed that they could have business dealings in the future.

Subsequently, the two also exchanged insights on the art of talisman making.

Through the conversation, Lu Changsheng roughly concluded that Gao He was at the intermediate level among Middle Grade Talisman Masters, still some distance away from becoming a superior one.

After leaving Gao He's home, Lu Changsheng also took the opportunity to visit the residence across the street.