Chapter 80: Fairy, Please Conduct Yourself with Dignity!_1

Lu Changsheng, using a Flying Ascension Talisman, flew at full force and arrived at a cliff cave several miles away.

He used a Purification Talisman to check himself all over, to see if there were any tricks left behind.

After confirming there were no problems, he began to clean up the loot in the two Storage Bags.

In total, there were three hundred sixty-two Spirit Stones.

Three Lower Grade Magic Artifacts and one Middle Grade Magic Artifact.

A number of Elixir Medicines.

A number of Spiritual Medicines.

A number of Talismans.

A bunch of miscellaneous items.

Lu Changsheng estimated that these items were worth six to seven hundred Spirit Stones.

Adding the Vestment robe, magic boots, Flying Sword, shield, Curved Saber, and Flying Artifact he had just acquired,

It casually amounted to over a thousand Spirit Stones.

It could be said to be a huge sum of money.

A hint of joy appeared on his face.