Chapter 81: You feel wronged, but I feel wronged too!_1

In the cave.

Lu Changsheng sat naked, hugging his knees, pitifully and helplessly crouching in the corner of the wall.

He resembled a ravished fine lady or gentleman, looking aggrievedly at the stunning beauty in front of him.

The beauty was draped in a multi-colored gown that seemed made of rosy clouds, her eyes like autumn pools, her brows like distant mountains, her nose was high and proud, her lips red and moist as if dripping with color, her black hair slightly unkempt, loosely draped over her shoulders.

Beneath the hem of her gown, a pair of snow-white delicate feet were bare, as if carved from jade and sculpted from snow, utter perfection, glimmering with a faint crystal sheen.

The curve of her ankle was graceful, slender yet full, and the arch of her foot was curved like the moon, drawing an exquisitely beautiful arc.