Chapter 83: Having a Baby! Pregnancy +10! Lottery Draw!_1

Outside the birthing room.

Lu Changsheng, holding his son Lu Quanzhen and accompanied by several wives and concubines, waited outside.

Lu Quanzhen was his first child with Qu Zhenzhen, possessing an Eighth Grade Spiritual Root.


Soon, a clear cry of a baby echoed from the birthing room, invigorating Lu Changsheng's spirit.

However, at this moment, he felt no anomaly, no palpitations.

Immediately, Lu Changsheng knew.

The child Qu Zhenzhen bore had no Spiritual Root.

Having anticipated this for so long, upon learning at this moment that the child had no Spiritual Root, to say there was no disappointment would be impossible.

But in a moment, Lu Changsheng came to terms with it.

Even if both parents had Spiritual Roots, the probability of their child being born with one was only about ten to twenty percent.

That Qu Zhenzhen's first birth and Lu Miaoyun's child last month both had Spiritual Roots was already a blessing.