Chapter 86: Stunning beauty like wolves and tigers, breaking down one's will!_2

Upon hearing these words, Lu Changsheng immediately understood what Gao He meant.

It was a sign that there were some issues with the supplies for the shop.

Having been in the shop for so long, how could he not understand the ins and outs?

The entire procurement, purchasing, and partnership of the Spiritual Talisman Shop were left to the Shopkeeper Zhang Shan alone.

To claim there was not a hint of embezzlement or personal gain, he couldn't believe it at all.

He had casually established a supplier title himself for collaboration; it obviously wouldn't be difficult for Zhang Shan to do the same.

However, Zhang Shan had been working in the Spiritual Talisman Shop for over ten years, and his performance was decent for the most part of this past year, capable of doing things well.

Hence, taking a little extra for oneself wasn't entirely indefensible.

As long as it wasn't excessive, Lu Changsheng was willing to turn a blind eye.

After all, the clearest water has no fish.