Chapter 90: Book of Malevolent Curses and Fates! 7749 children!_2

The four maids purchased before, now only one remains who hasn't conceived.

But Lu Changsheng wasn't concerned, not in a rush to supplement.

After all, there's only one 'big stick'.

Now that there were already so many ordinary maids, it was time to save some money and add a few high-quality ones.

Besides, Lu Miaoyun was still at the Nine Dragons Market.

Out of respect for his wife, Lu Changsheng would still restrain himself somewhat.

At least wait until next month, when Lu Miaoyun and Qu Zhenzhen returned to Qing Zhu Mountain, before strolling through the White Jade Tower again.

Six days later.

On this day, Lu Changsheng didn't go to the Spiritual Talisman Shop and just sat at home.

Because the child in Guan Xin's belly was about to be born.


With a cry, an extraordinary trembling emanated from Lu Changsheng's entire being.

It was the vibration of the Spiritual Root.

The child had the Spiritual Root, a surge that was added onto his own!