Chapter 95: Abundance in the Basin and Bowl, Second Rank in Sight!_3


"For these two superior magic artifacts, the quality is decent, though there's some wear and tear. Our shop can offer seven hundred and sixty Spirit Stones,"

"As for these magical robes and boots... To be honest, the damage is quite severe, only fit for scrap material recovery. Let's say two hundred and sixty Spirit Stones for all."

The shopkeeper could tell that these magic artifacts were obviously ill-gotten goods and directly offered a low price.

"A flat rate, two thousand two hundred Spirit Stones,"

Lu Changsheng, even in his eagerness to sell, wouldn't just accept whatever price was given."

"Fellow Daoist, this price is really a bit steep,"

"To be honest, these items of yours, they probably didn't come from a good place. If our shop were to sell them, we would need to completely refurbish them..."

The shopkeeper made a difficult face as he spoke.

"I take my leave."

Upon hearing this, Lu Changsheng made a move to leave immediately.