Chapter 99: Dog-Like Thing! (Reset)_4

Then, with a swift raise of his right hand, he fiercely slapped Lu Miaoyang across the face with a loud 'smack.'

"To talk to you like this? And just who do you think you are?"

"Like a dog, not only do I dare to speak to you this way, but I dare to hit you!"

"To bully my son and act so arrogantly, expecting me to apologize to you, do you really think I, Lu Changsheng, am someone people can push around?"

With every word, Lu Changsheng's palms relentlessly struck out.

His cultivation of the Hundred Refinements Treasure Body Art was not in vain.

With each slap, resounding with sharp 'smacks,' Lu Miaoyang saw stars, and he groaned in pain.

His cheeks visibly turned swiftly from purple to black to red and swollen, with blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.

"This... this... this..."

The nearby steward and the beautiful woman were stunned, unable to process the scene before them.