99 Chapter: Dog-Like Thing! (Reset)_1

Two days later.

Outside Qingzhu Mountain.

Lu Changsheng descended from the Iron Feather Eagle and immediately strode towards his home.

"Changsheng brother."

"Brother Changsheng."


Many Lu Family disciples greeted Lu Changsheng as they saw him on the road.

In the face of such greetings, even if he did not know them, Lu Changsheng wore a smile and exchanged pleasantries graciously.

"Lu Changsheng must have returned this time because of Lu Miaoyang's incident."

"Surely, a few days ago, Miaoyang brother was bitten by Changsheng brother's pet beast, and it caused quite a commotion. Naturally, they would require Changsheng brother to come back and deal with it."

"Who knows how this matter will end up."

"I, for one, hope that Lu Changsheng can teach Lu Miaoyang a lesson."