Chapter 101: Lu Family Ancestor, The One with Great Destiny! (Reset)_1

Lu Changsheng followed the Fourth Elder to the Lu Family shrine in the deepest part of Qingzhu Valley.

This was his first time visiting the Lu Family shrine.

After all, such a place was considered forbidden territory for the Lu Family, and entry was not normally permitted.

The Lu Family shrine here was very quiet.

The shrine didn't cover a very large area.

It didn't look particularly magnificent; it was quite simple.

But it exuded a solemn and ancient air of seriousness.

Upon entering the main gate of the shrine, Lu Changsheng saw ancient trees reaching for the sky, and luxuriant jade green bamboo.

In the midst of solemn solemnity, there was a simple and profound feeling of tranquility.

But now, the air of solemnity was shattered by wailing cries.

"Wuu wuu wuu, Dad, Mom!"

"You left and now it's just me, Yang'er, alone, letting an outsider bully me."

Lu Changsheng immediately recognized that this voice belonged to Lu Miaoyang.