Chapter 108: Father's Friend!_1

Yunzhou, Tai'an County town.

"So this is where Xia Long settled his children?"

Lu Changsheng gazed at the ordinary courtyard before him.

Because Xia Long was often adventuring away from home, he had made some enemies.

Therefore, he did not keep his children by his side.

He settled them in the secular world and hired an old servant to take care of them.

"Thump thump thump!"

Lu Changsheng stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Soon, the door creaked open.

"Young master, whom are you looking for?"

The door was opened by a girl dressed in a pale blue silk dress.

She appeared to be about fifteen or sixteen, with a slightly green, melon-seed face and a delicate figure, brimming with youthful vitality.

Lu Changsheng immediately recognized that the girl before him possessed some cultivation.

But her cultivation level was only at the second layer of Qi practice.

"Is this Xia Long's daughter?"