Chapter 111: Yin Yang Harmony Technique! Foundation Establishment!_2

Lu Changsheng's expectations had risen accordingly.

He wished the mother of his child would have a better Spiritual Root.

If he were to go to White Jade Tower to buy a maid again, he would buy one with a Middle Grade Spiritual Root.

Now, a Lower Grade Spiritual Root really didn't inspire much interest in him.

After returning home, Lu Changsheng took out the Second Rank Puppet from his Storage Bag in his room.

With a pinch of his fingers executing a Spiritual Art, he removed the Heart Protecting Mirror from the puppet.

He took out the ten Lower Grade Spirit Stones inside and replaced them with the ten Middle Grade Spirit Stones he had exchanged for.

"This is much more reliable!"

Lu Changsheng looked at the Metal Puppet in front of him and nodded in satisfaction.

With the support of ten Middle Grade Spirit Stones, this Second Rank Puppet could now tussle with a Foundation Establishment Great Cultivator for a bit longer.