Chapter 111: Yin Yang Harmony Technique! Foundation Establishment!_4

If a woman possesses a special Spiritual Body, she can even gather certain characteristics of the Spiritual Body from it.

However, this secret technique does have some detrimental effects on female cultivators.

If over-harvested, it can damage the woman's Origin Source and lead to death through direct harvesting.

Besides the "Dragon Invocation Technique," which is a Heretical Path of cultivation by harvesting, Lu Changsheng also came across several good Cultivation Techniques Technique.

One secret technique was called the "Five Aggregates Proliferation Method," which, after being cultivated by a male and female, could increase the odds of pregnancy.

As cultivators increase their Cultivation Levels, there is also a side effect.

It becomes more difficult to have offspring.

For those in the Qi Refinement Realm, there are no significant consequences yet.

However, once breaking through to the Foundation Establishment, there will be some impacts.