Chapter 120: No, Lu Lang! _1

Qingzhu Mountain wasn't very far from Red Leaf Valley.

The journey was just over a thousand li.

It was precisely because of their proximity that both families often fought over resources around their clan territories, leading to conflicts.

An incident involving a Spirit Stone mine over ten years ago had become the flashpoint for all these conflicts.

It had led both families into an all-out conflict, creating an irreconcilable blood feud.

After the Lu Family's main forces had traveled several hundred li,

Lu Changsheng saw a formidable and impressive army heading in their direction.

Leading this army was an elderly man with an old face and a tall figure, wearing a robe embroidered with flying birds.

He stood with his hands behind his back, his black bird-embroidered robe fluttering in the wind, riding atop a black hawk with a formidable presence.

Following him were three Flying Boats and a group of Cultivators riding Spirit Birds.

"Brother Lu, Daoist Yuan Zhong!"