Chapter 39: Entering the Black Market

"Forget about them, let's go," Wei Zhengqing said.

After finishing his words, Wei Zhengqing and Yan Xiong walked forward, and Lin Jing immediately followed.

The three of them walked down the alley in silence, surrounded by a dead quiet with not a sound to be heard.

It was only the sound of their footsteps on the road that could be heard. Lin Jing turned his head to look around and realized that while there were many houses lining the alley, most of them were dilapidated.

Even though Shiyu Alley was on the edge of Fang Market, it was very strange to Lin Jing that there was not a single person in sight.

Seeing that Wei Zhengqing and Yan Xiong in front weren't speaking, Lin Jing didn't dare to inquire further and silently followed behind them.

After numerous twists and turns, they finally came to a courtyard door.


Wei Zhengqing reached out to push open the courtyard door, which emitted a grating noise. This sound, in the silent night, sent shivers down one's spine.