Chapter 45 The Golden Core Appears

The Foundation Establishment Cultivator's complexion was ashen. Seeing the Flame Poison Centipede drawing nearer and nearer, he cried out urgently:

"Elder Ancestor, save me..."

No sooner had the words left his mouth than a voice came:

"Evil creature, dare not harm a person!"

The voice, like the booming of a Huang Lu bell, echoed through the heavens, shaking one's eardrums to the point of piercing.

Immediately after, a figure emanating a five-colored light flew out from the depths of Fang Market.

Seeing this figure, the Foundation Establishment Cultivator's expression turned to one of excitement. He quickly flew to the person's side and breathed a sigh of relief.

The Foundation Establishment Cultivator bowed and said, "Elder Ancestor, please strike down this beast."

The Flame Poison Centipede seemed to sense that this person was not to be trifled with. It raised its head, hissing continuously, confronting the person but not daring to attack.