Chapter 104 Blood Red Vermilion Fruit, Lifespan Extension Pill

"The main ingredients of those Third Rank Elixir Medicines are all extremely scarce; they're basically never seen in the Fang Market under normal circumstances."

"It's only at the auction that a few might appear."

When Elder Yu reached this point, as if he had remembered something, he suddenly called out to Lin Jing:

"Right, Lin kid…"

"In half a month, it will be our Yuebaolou's auction. Are you going?" Elder Yu asked.

"Auction?" Lin Jing voiced his confusion.

"Yes, the auction…"

"At Yuebaolou, we hold an auction every once in a while. When the time comes, many people will attend, including members of the various major families of the Fang Market."

"If you'd like to go, I can take you there to broaden your experience," Elder Yu offered.

"Elder Yu, do you know what kind of good items will be at the auction?" Lin Jing's interest was piqued, and he asked.