Chapter 120 Qualification for Qualification

"Right, there's one more thing,"

"Old Man Bai told me to let you know, you don't need to worry about your old feud with Liu Yiyuan. Things will remain as they are, and he will help you resolve the issue,"

"Hmm, I understand,"

Lin Jing nodded.


It wasn't until nightfall that Huang Qingling could bring herself to leave.

Of course, before leaving, she also conveniently helped herself to a meal.

After Huang Qingling had left, Lin Jing continued back to his room to meditate and recover.


In the Zhang Family's back courtyard, within an exceedingly ordinary cottage,

Elder Bai and another old man were seated at a table.

On the table, in front of each of them, was a cup of tea, still emitting wisps of steam.

"Zhang Dao-friend, after so many years, you're still as plain and simple," Elder Bai began, glancing around the room.

The room was very ordinary and simple, even its furniture was of the most straightforward kind.