Chapter 155 Conspiracy (Part 2)

Having said that...

Wu Cai Immortal looked up and glanced at Liu Yiyuan, noticing that he was merely bowing his head without any reaction. He didn't think too much of it and continued to speak:

"That new steward Zheng from Yuebaolou is upright and unwavering, with a strong-willed nature, and someone who can't be easily bribed or flattered, not tolerating even the slightest bit of dirt in his eyes."

"I know that Lin Jing managed to get into Yuebaolou through connections."

"So the last time he came over, I casually mentioned it."

"I reckon Steward Zheng will likely investigate it himself."

"If everything goes as expected, in a few days, Lin Jing should have his Pill Master Offering Priest status at Yuebaolou revoked and be forced to move out of the Inner Fang Market."

"By then, you can look for the right opportunity and make your move."

As he reached this point and saw that Liu Yiyuan still did not show any joy, Wu Cai Immortal further explained:

"After all..."