Chapter 157 Rejection

The Wang-surnamed Pill Master quickly said:

"It's like this, Lin Daoyou..."

"Because last time during the assessment, I accidentally disturbed your alchemy, I've felt extremely guilty."

"So, I specifically came here today to apologize to you, Lin Daoyou."

"I've booked a table at Drunken Immortal Pavilion and would like to invite Lin Daoyou to the banquet as a gesture of apology."

After listening, Lin Jing's eyebrows furrowed.

He was not particularly close with this Wang-surnamed Pill Master; apart from greeting each other when they met, they had no private communications.

Now, why would he want to apologize to him?


Lin Jing already had a clear grasp of this Wang-surnamed Pill Master's temperament. This person was not the kind to rise early if there wasn't benefit involved, which was apparent from their several meetings and the way his attitude towards Lin Jing had changed.