Chapter 161 The Little Sparrow Who Could Rob

Huang Qingling's courtyard was much larger than the one Lin Jing lived in, and it was also specially approved by Elder Bai for the exclusive use of the family members of the stewards.

Even Steward Zheng did not make an issue out of this courtyard, because it was, after all, a privilege that came with the steward's position.

Lin Jing followed Huang Qingling into the courtyard and then entered her boudoir behind her.

This was the first time Lin Jing had entered Huang Qingling's boudoir.

As soon as he entered, he was immediately greeted by a burst of fragrance and involuntarily took a deep breath.

Shortly after, Lin Jing realized that his behavior might have been somewhat inappropriate.

Then, Lin Jing quickly turned his head to look at Huang Qingling and found that she was preoccupied with sulking and had not noticed his actions.